Good Friday Cross 2022

Each Easter I create a Good Friday Cross. This year, I began my resurgence into art with this work, inspired by the cubist efforts of Colin McCahon. After reworking it later, I incorporated the black square, my symbol for depression that often comes and ruins the view or blocks me from seeing the full picture […]

Son of Man

Painted as part of the Stations of the Cross at Titahi Bay Community Church annual exhibition at Easter, this work looked at the crucifixion of Christ. “The weight of sin on his shouldersSIN OF MANOverwhelmed, suffering, despair, anguish, pain, cry for help, depressed, rejected,alone, fear, hurt, vulnerable, betrayed, crushed, forgotten, abandonedDarkness, consume, scared, exhausted, anger, […]

The Surrounds

Through the journey of battling depression, I turned to art to try to express the feelings I had been dealing with. Black has always been a deep and meaningful colour, but this was taken to a whole new level in this painting. The work ended up being more therapeutic rather than anything presentable in a […]

You Reflect the Light

Painted using black paint with stencilled letters, the difference in thickness creating the text and finished with multiple coats of gloss polyurethane, this work creates a reflective black surface that the viewer can see themselves in. “YOU reflect the light that shines upon you”